Friday, June 08, 2007


Catts and Zurr's BioArt when I first heard and saw their "Victimless Meat" I was shocked. When I think about the word, "Biotechnology" the first thing that pops into mind would be science. What we human beings learn from collecting data and observing from scientific experiments are later put into use to improve the quality of life and the efficiency of work by various engineers. For the Catts and Zurr's Victimless Meat, I believe it has the potential to help find a cure for various diseases livestock may encounter on farms without the sacrifice of the animal. Rather than testing chemicals or injecting viruses into animals, scientists could use these petri dish grown tissues of the animal to test the effects. Biotechnology as an art involves human beings screwing around with lives and putting them up for display serving no other purpose than to entertain the public. For example, I myself find this ridiculous, a dead rat's brain neurones send signals to the machine that draws and is labeled as art. I believe biotechnology as an art is not such a great idea. It's pretty scary to imagine that one day someone might get curious and hook up a dead human brain instead of a rat's to see what kind of "art" would be produced.


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